Daily Metal Spot Prices
Ruthenium Price (USD / Kilogram) for the Last Day

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Metal Futures versus Options

A futures contract is an obligation to buy or sell a commodity at a specified date and price, while an options contract grants the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell at an agreed upon price. While participants in futures markets risk paying too much or selling for too little, options may simply expire worthless.

What is Price Hedging?

Market participants may minimize the effect of volatile prices by hedging. Hedging is the practice of offsetting risk, often by purchasing one position to protect another position. For example, many investors recommend gold as an investment to protect against a falling US dollar and vice versa.

Metal Facts

About 85% of lead is used in lead batteries, all of which is recoverable and recyclable. In Europe and North America the recycling rate for lead acid batteries is almost 100%.

Metal Price Charts

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